Retirement Planning

Call Hanrahan & Associates, LLC Today at (907) 276-0457

35+ Years of Experience

Licensed & Certified Accountant

Confidential Consultations

A+ BBB Rating


Enjoy your golden years by ensuring your financial freedom today. Retirement planning is more than just loading money into a savings account—though that’s definitely part of the plan—and consists of many moving parts you may not think about on your own. A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) certificant will help you set realistic retirement planning goals and guide you on how to reach them in the time frame that works for you. From business retirement plans and personal Roth or IRAs to financing advice and budgeting, rely on my firm to help you reach your retirement goals on time.

Retirement Planning

Plan Now to Enjoy the future

  • Start investing early. The younger you are when you start planning for retirement, the better. I’ll help you choose the right type of retirement accounts to use so you have the freedom to create early retirement plans down the road.
  • Learn how much you need to save and what you need to do differently in your budget to ensure you can. A financial advisor creates a personalized plan for you based on your income, debt, taxes, and other information to make sure your retirement planning is sound.
  • Ensure you have the right mortgage and insurance plans, as well as the necessary amount in your emergency fund. Retirement planning is more than just investing and putting money back; it’s also covering yourself now without spending more than necessary.
Call today at (907) 276-0457 to schedule a consultation with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER concerning your retirement planning goals.
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